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(2004年4月22日黑龙江省人民政府第11次常务会议审议通过 2004年7月15日黑龙江省人民政府令第2号公布 自2004年10月15日起施行)

第一章 总则

第一条 为维护土地的社会主义公有制,保护土地所有者、使用者和他项权利者(以下统称土地权利人)的合法权益,加强土地资产和城乡地政的统一管理,根据有关法律、法规规定,结合本省实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称土地登记,是指县以上人民政府依法对国有土地使用权、集体土地所有权、集体土地使用权和土地他项权利(以下统称土地权利)进行设立、变更、注销、确认和核发土地证书的行为。



第三条 在本省行政区域内进行土地登记应当遵守本办法。


第四条 依照本办法登记确认的土地权利受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。


第五条 未办理或者未获准办理土地登记的,按照下列规定处理:




第六条 县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门依照本办法负责本行政区域内的土地登记工作。


第七条 县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门对土地证书定期查验确认。具体查验确认办法由省人民政府土地行政主管部门会同有关部门另行制定。




第二章 申请与受理

第八条 土地权利人应当向土地所在地的县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门提出土地登记申请。跨市(行署)、县(市)行政区域使用土地的,应当分别向土地所在地的县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门申请土地登记。



第九条 申请土地登记的,按照下列规定办理:











第十条 土地登记申请人委托代理人办理土地登记的,委托代理人应当提交委托书和委托代理人的身份证明。



第十一条 申请土地登记,申请人应当提交下列资料:





第十二条 以划拨方式取得国有土地使用权的,土地使用者应当在县以上人民政府批准划拨土地之日起三十日内,申请土地登记。


第十三条 以有偿方式取得国有土地使用权的,土地使用者应当在签订土地有偿使用合同,并且按照合同约定足额交纳土地有偿使用费之日起三十日内,申请土地登记。

第十四条 地下空间的使用者依照本办法第十二条、第十三条的规定申请土地登记。

第十五条 依法使用集体土地的,应当在接到县以上人民政府批准用地文件之日起三十日内,持批准用地文件以及有关协议,申请集体土地使用权登记。

第十六条 申请土地他项权利登记的,当事人应当在合同签订之日起十五日内,持土地证书、相关合同以及有关证件申请土地登记。




第十七条 商品房和经济适用住房预售人应当在取得房屋预售许可证明之日起三十日内,持土地证书和预售许可证明向土地登记机关申请房屋预售分割土地登记,领取宗地分割转让登记证明。


第十八条 出售公有住房的,售房单位应当持原土地证书办理变更和分割登记手续;购房者应当在房屋产权登记发证之日起三十日内,持房屋所有权证书和宗地分割转让登记证明申请土地变更登记。

第十九条 有下列情形之一的,当事人应当自土地权利变更事实发生之日起三十日内申请土地变更登记:






第二十条 土地使用期届满申请续期的,土地使用者应当在批准续用土地之日起三十日内申请土地登记。

第二十一条 土地他项权利变更或者终止,当事人应当在签订变更合同或者该土地他项权利终止之日起十五日内,持变更合同或者有关证明文件向原登记机关申请土地变更或者注销登记。

第二十二条 有下列情形之一的,土地权利人应当自土地权利终止事实发生之日起三十日内,持有关证明材料向县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门申请土地注销登记:




第二十三条 土地登记申请人因不可抗力或者有正当理由不能按照规定期限申请的,可以顺延登记期限。

第二十四条 县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门在接到土地登记申请时,应当填写土地登记收件单,并于十五日内做出受理或者不予受理的决定。

第二十五条 有下列情形之一的,不予受理土地登记申请:







第三章 调查与确权

第二十六条 县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门受理土地登记申请后,应当进行地籍调查,查清土地权属性质、来源、时间、用途、位置、形状、界址、等级、面积等。


第二十七条 县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门依据有关确定土地权属的法律、法规和规章,确认土地权属。


第二十八条 需要进行变更地籍调查的,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门组织变更地籍调查。

第四章 审核与登记

第二十九条 初始地籍调查结果由受理的人民政府土地行政主管部门审核,符合登记条件的予以公告。当事人有异议的,可以在公告期内向发布公告的人民政府土地行政主管部门申请复查。

第三十条 土地登记申请经县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门审核,认为权属合法、界址清楚、面积准确的,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门办理注册登记,由县以上人民政府向国有土地使用者颁发《国有土地使用证》;向集体土地所有者颁发《集体土地所有权证书》;向集体土地使用者颁发《集体土地使用证》。


第三十一条 尚未确定土地使用权的国有土地,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门登记管理。

第三十二条 有下列情形之一的,县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门应当暂缓登记:







第三十三条 有下列情形之一的,县以上人民政府可以依照规定直接办理注销土地登记,并于十五日内书面通知原土地权利人:







第三十四条 土地登记后,发现错登记或者漏登记的,县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门应当办理更正登记;当事人或者利害关系人也可以申请更正登记。



第三十五条 土地证书遗失或者损毁的,土地权利人应当及时向原发证机关备案,申请补发新证,在当地报纸上进行公告。自公告之日起三十日内无异议的,原发证机关注销原土地证书,补发新证书。

第三十六条 土地证书的记载与土地登记卡(簿)的记载不一致的,以土地登记卡(簿)的记载为准。

第五章 法律责任

第三十七条 违反本办法规定,不按期办理土地变更登记的,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期办理;逾期不办理的,处以每平方米土地十元以下的罚款。

第三十八条 以出让方式取得的房地产开发用地,未依法取得土地使用权证书而转让房地产的,按照非法转让土地处理。

第三十九条 土地权利人不按照规定时限接受土地证书查验确认的,由人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期接受查验;逾期不接受查验确认的,对个人用地处以二百元以上五百元以下的罚款,对单位用地处以二千元以上一万元以下的罚款。

第四十条 采取欺骗手段获取土地证书的,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门处以五千元以下的罚款,经县以上人民政府批准,注销土地证书。

第四十一条 破坏界址点标志的,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令当事人限期恢复原状,并可以处以二千元以下的罚款。

第四十二条 非法印制出售土地证书的,由县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门没收非法印制、出售的土地证书和非法所得,并可以对当事人处以违法所得百分之十至百分之五十的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第四十三条 县以上人民政府土地行政主管部门工作人员有下列行为之一的,依法给予行政处分:




第六章 附则

第四十四条 本办法自二○○四年十月十五日起施行。黑龙江省人民政府一九九六年二月八日发布的《黑龙江省土地登记办法》同时废止。

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第一条 为加强我市闭路电视的管理,使之更好地为社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设服务,根据国家有关规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本规定。
第二条 凡在本市行政区域内开办闭路电视的单位,均应遵守本规定。
第三条 天津市广播电视局负责本市闭路电视的管理工作。
第四条 申请开办闭路电视须具备下列条件:
第五条 具备开办条件的单位,须先经上级主管部门审查同意,持上级主管部门出具的证明,向市广播电视局提出申请,经批准后,领取闭路电视播映证。
第六条 持有闭路电视播映证的单位,因故停办闭路电视时,应向市广播电视局提出报告,注销闭路电视播映证。
第七条 闭路电视播出的时间应和中央电视台“新闻联播”节目及本市电视台新闻节目的播放时间错开,不得影响观众收看新闻节目。
第八条 闭路电视播放的文化娱乐性节目,必须是中国电影发行放映公司和经国家批准的音像出版单位出版发行的录像片及中央和本市电视台播出过的节目。
第九条 禁止播放内容淫秽及国家明令禁止的录象片。
第十条 闭路电视不得通过卫星地面接收设备收转外国卫星电视节目。
第十一条 不得利用闭路电视设备播放广告或以其他形式从事营业性活动。
第十二条 开办闭路电视的单位,应有一名领导人分管此项工作,经常检查闭路电视播放情况,严格审查播放内容。
第十三条 违反本规定的,视情节轻重,分别予以处罚;
第十四条 本规定由天津市广播电视局负责解释。
第十五条 本规定自发布之日起施行。凡在本规定发布前已开办闭路电视的单位,应在一九八八年九月三十日前到市广播电视局补办审批手续。






  第一条 为规范行政机关实施行政许可的听证活动,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,维护公共利益和社会秩序,保障和监督行政机关有效实施行政许可,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 本省行政区域内各级行政机关实施行政许可听证(以下简称听证),适用本办法。
  第三条 行政机关实施下列行政许可事项,应当组织听证:
  第四条 听证应当遵循合法、公开、公平、公正、高效和便民的原则。
  第五条 听证由有权作出行政许可决定的行政机关组织;依法接受委托实施行政许可的行政机关应当以委托行政机关的名义组织听证。
  第六条 听证人包括:听证主持人、听证员、记录员。
  第七条 听证主持人应当符合下列条件:
  第八条 听证主持人履行下列职责:
  第九条 听证参加人包括:行政机关审查该行政许可申请的工作人员、行政许可申请人、利害关系人,以及本办法第十一条规定的委托代理人、鉴定人、证人。
  第十条 行政机关对本办法第三条第(一)、(二)项规定的行政许可事项,应当在作出行政许可决定前,以公告的形式向社会告知听证的事项、拟作出行政许可决定的主要内容,以及报名参加听证的办法等,公告的时间不得少于15日。
  第十一条 报名或者申请参加听证会的利害关系人较多时,组织听证的行政机关可以要求利害关系人在规定时间内自行推选代表人参加听证,并提交载明代表人基本情况的书面材料,由听证主持人审核确认;逾期未推选的,由组织听证的行政机关按照报名、申请的顺序或者采取抽签等公平、公开的方式确定代表人作为听证参加人,并予以公布。
  第十二条 行政许可申请人、利害关系人可以委托1至2名代理人参加听证;委托代理人参加听证的,应当向组织听证的行政机关提交载明委托事项及权限,并由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书,由听证主持人审核确认。委托代理人代为变更或者放弃听证主张,或者代为放弃陈述权、申辩权、质证权的,应当有委托人的明确授权。
  第十三条 听证主持人有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避;行政许可申请人、利害关系人有权以口头或者书面形式申请其回避:
  第十四条 组织听证的行政机关应当在听证会举行的7日前,向听证参加人送达《行政许可听证通知书》,必要时予以公告。
  第十五条 听证会按照下列程序进行:
  第十六条 在听证会进行过程中,听证主持人可以询问听证参加人;经听证主持人允许,审查该行政许可申请的工作人员、行政许可申请人、利害关系人可以相互发问,也可以向鉴定人、证人发问。
  第十七条 听证应当制作听证笔录。听证笔录应当载明下列内容:
  第十八条 听证笔录应当由听证参加人签名或者盖章;听证参加人拒绝签名或者盖章的,应当记录在卷。
  第十九条 听证会结束后,听证主持人应当会同听证员、记录员在5日内,根据听证笔录制作听证报告书,连同听证笔录报送本行政机关负责人。
  第二十条 有下列情形之一的,可以延期举行听证:
  第二十一条 有下列情形之一,可以中止听证:
  第二十二条 有下列情形之一的,可以终止听证:
  第二十三条 行政许可申请人、利害关系人对本办法第三条第(三)项规定的行政许可事项,在规定时间内均未提出听证申请的,视为放弃听证要求,行政机关应当作书面记载,并可以在对行政许可申请进行全面、客观、公正审查的基础上,依法作出行政许可决定。
  第二十四条 行政机关及其工作人员违反《中华人民共和国行政许可法》和本办法的规定,有下列情形之一的,由其上级行政机关或者监察机关责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:
  第二十五条 行政许可申请人、利害关系人或者其他人员扰乱听证会秩序或者有其他妨碍听证会正常进行行为的,听证主持人有权予以制止或者责令其退场;情节严重的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第二十六条 行政许可申请人、利害关系人不承担行政机关组织听证的费用。听证所需经费应当列入本行政机关的预算,由本级财政予以保障。
  第二十七条 本办法规定的期限以工作日计算,不含法定节假日。
  第二十八条 本办法自2007年7月1日起施行。


Measures of Jiangxi Province for Public Hearings of the Implementation of Administrative License by the Administrative Organ

These Measures of Jiangxi Province for Public Hearings of the Implementation of Administrative License by the Administrative Organ, adopted at the 58th session of the executive meeting of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province on April 23, 2007, are hereby promulgated and shall come into effect as of July 1, 2007.

Governor: Wu Xinxiong

April 29, 2007

  Article 1 In order to regulate the hearing procedures of implementation of Administrative License by the Administrative Organ, protect the legal rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, safeguard the public interests and social order, and ensure and supervise the effective implementation of administrative license, these measures are formulated in accordance with the specific circumstances of the province and the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China.

  Article 2 These measures shall apply to the public hearing of implementation of Administrative License by the administrative organs at all levels within the administrative areas of the province (hereinafter referred to as “hearing”).

The provisions concerning the administrative organ in these measures shall be applicable to the organization with a function of implementing Administrative License or managing public affairs under the authorization of a law or regulation.

  Article 3 A hearing should be organized upon implementation of the following administrative license matters by the administrative organs:

  (1) A hearing as provided for the implementation of administrative license in any law, regulation or rule;

  (2) Any licensing matters considered by the administrative organ to be of great importance to the public interests;

  (3) Licensing matters applied within the statutory time limit by the applicants and the interested parties of administrative license who have been informed the legal right to a hearing in accordance with law;

  Article 4 The hearing shall observe the principles of legality, openness, fairness and impartiality, high efficiency and convenience.

  The hearing shall be held in public except that it involves state secrets, business secrets and individual privacy. Citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall have the access to observing and supervising the hearing proceedings.

  Article 5 The hearing should be organized by the administrative organs which are entitled to make administrative license decisions. The administrative organs which are legally entrusted with the implementation of the administrative license should organize the hearing in the name of the entrusting administrative organ.

  If an administrative licensing matter to be implemented respectively by two or more administrative organs needs hearing, it should be organized separately or jointly.

  In accordance with law, where an administrative license should be subject to the examination of the lower administrative organ before it is reported and submitted to the upper administrative organ for decision, the hearing should be organized by the administrative organ that makes the final administrative decision. But when an administrative license should be reported to the State Council or the departments under the State Council for administrative license decisions, the relevant state regulations prevail.

  Article 6 The hearing staff includes the chairperson of the hearing, the hearing officers and the notetaker.

  The chairperson of the hearings and the hearing officers shall be decided by the director of the administrative organ. The clerk shall be decided by the chairperson of the hearing.

  Article 7 The chairperson of the hearings should meet the following requirements:

  (1) Those who are not responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license;

  (2) Those who are familiar with the hearing procedures of the administrative license and related laws, regulations and rules;

  (3) Those with a certain organizing ability;

  (4) Those who meet the other requirements stipulated in the laws, regulations and rules.

  Article 8 The chairperson of the hearing shall perform the following functions during the hearing:

  (1) Make the plan of the hearing;

  (2) Decide the time and place of the hearings;

  (3) Organize the hearings;

  (4) Receive relevant evidence;

  (5) Maintain the proper order of the hearings;

  (6) Prepare and work out the hearing report;

  (7) Fulfill other duties as provided in any law, regulation, rule and these measures.

  The hearing officers shall assist the chairperson of the hearings in performing the functions and duties stipulated above.

  Article 9 The participants of the hearing include the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative  license, the applicants of administrative license, the interested parties,the entrusted agents, the identifiers and the witnesses as provided in Article 12 of these measures.

  Article 10 For the administrative license matters listed in Items 1and 2 of Article 3,the administrative organ shall announce to the public the information about the matters under administrative license of the hearing, the main content of administrative license decisions and the way to participate in the hearing before making the administrative decision. The duration of the announcement shall not be less than 15 days.

  For the administrative license matters listed in Item 3 of Article 3,the administrative organ shall inform the applicant of the administrative license or the interested party of the right to request for a hearing by means of written notice. Where the applicant or interested party applies for a hearing within 5 days from the day when he or she is informed of such right, the administrative organ shall organize a hearing within 20 days.

  Article 11 When there are lots of interested parties applying to participate in the hearing, the administrative organ which organizes the hearing can ask the interested parties to select their own representatives to participate in the hearing in a specified time and submit written materials which contain basic information of the representatives for the chairperson to examine. If no representatives are selected within the time limit, the administrative organ that organizes the hearing should select the representatives according to the application order or by means of drawing straws or in other fair and open ways.

  The number of representatives should be decided by the administrative organ that organizes the hearing according to the specific circumstances of the hearing and according to the basic principle that the numbers of people with different opinions are equally represented, and the number of the representatives should be announced.

  The acts of such representatives in the hearing shall be valid for the party they represent; however, modification or waiver of the hearing claims by the representatives shall be subject to the consent of the party they represent.

  Article 12 The applicants of the administrative license and the interested parties may entrust one or two agents to participate in the hearing. Where the entrusted agents participate in the hearing, a Power of Attorney containing the explicit description of the entrusted matters and the limits of authority and bearing the signature or seal of the entrusting party shall be submitted to the chairperson of the hearing for examining. Modification or waiver of the hearing claims or the disclamation of the rights to make statements, defend and conduct cross-examinations shall be subject to the authorization of the entrusting party.

  If the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license, the applicants and the interested parties consider it is necessary to identify relevant matters,or there are witnesses to prove their hearing claims, identifiers and witnesses could be invited to participate in the hearing. Relevant supporting materials shall be submitted to the administrative organ for the chairperson of the hearing to examine.

  Article 13 Under any of the following circumstances, a chairperson of the hearing shall voluntarily withdraw from holding a hearing, while the applicants or any interested parties are entitled to require the withdrawal of such a person from the hearing in oral or written form.

  (1) He or she is one of the examining personnel of the case;

  (2) He or she is the close relative of an applicant of the administrative license, an interested party, or the entrusted agent of the case;

  (3) He or she is one of the personnel who have direct interests with the administrative licensing matter;

  (4) He or she has some other relationship with the applicant or the interested party of the case,which may affect the impartial hearing of the case.

  The provisions of the preceding paragraph are applicable to the hearing officers, the notetakers, and the identifiers.

  The withdrawal of the chairperson from the hearing shall be decided by the director of the administrative organ. The withdrawal of the notetaker and the identifiers shall be decided by the chairperson of the hearing.

  Article 14 The administrative organ shall send the "administrative license hearing notice" to the participants of the hearing 7 days before it is held, and shall announce it to the public if necessary;

"Administrative license hearing notice" should include:

  (1) The matters under administrative license of the hearing;

  (2) The main content of administrative license decisions;

  (3) The time and place of the hearing to be held;

  (4) The name and title of the chairperson of the hearing;

  (5) Other matters that should be made clear.

  Article 15 The public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedure:

  (1) The chairperson of the hearing should announce the commencement of the hearing, introduce the participants of the hearing and the Administrative License matters and check the identities of the participants of administrative license and the interested parties.

  (2) The hearing officer reads the hearing disciplines;

  (3) The persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license shall provide proofs, reasons and laws, regulations and rules for the examination opinions and present evidence;

  (4) The applicants and the interested parties shall make their statements and provide related proofs, reasons and laws, regulations and rules and present evidence with the order arranged by the chairperson of the hearing;

  (5) Where it is necessary for the identifier to read out the conclusion of verification in the course of defense and cross-examination, or for the witness to testify, the chairperson of the hearing should give permission first;

  (6) After the defense and cross-examination, the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license, the applicants and the interested parties should make their final statements with the order arranged by the chairperson of the hearing;

  (7) The chairperson of the hearing announces the closure of the hearing.

  The chairperson of the hearing should be neutral, objective and impartial in hearing the statements of the participants of the hearing.

  If the procedures mentioned in the first paragraph of this article can’t be completed, the chairperson of the hearing should declare that the hearing will continue later.

  Article 16 During the hearing, the chairperson of the hearing can question the participants of the hearing; with the permission given by the chairperson of the hearing, the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license, the applicants and the parties can question each other and can also question the identifiers or witnesses.

  Article 17 The activities of hearing shall be recorded in the transcripts of the hearing. The transcripts of the hearing shall explicitly record the following matters:

  (1) The matters under administrative license of the hearing;

  (2) The names and titles of the chairperson of the hearing, hearing officers,and the notetaker;

  (3) The names, addresses and attendance of the participants of hearing;

  (4) The time and place of the hearing held;

  (5) Whether the hearing is held openly.If it is not,the reasons should be provided;

  (6) The statements, facts, reasons, basis and evidence provided by the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license, the applicants of the administrative license and the interested parties;

  (7) The conclusion of verification of the identifier and the testimony of the witness;

  (8) Defense and cross-examinations;

  (9) The treatment of related matters by the chairperson of the hearing in the course of the hearing;

  (10) Any other matters that the chairperson considers to be important.

  The evidence materials of cross-examinations provided by the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license, the applicants and the interested parties during the hearing should be included as the attachment of the transcripts of the hearing.

  Article 18 The transcripts of the hearing to the participants shall bear the signatures or the seals of the participants of the hearing. Refusal of the participants of the hearing to sign or seal shall be recorded.

  If the participants of the hearing consider that the transcripts of the hearing has omitted a part of their statement or is incorrect in some other respect, they shall have the right to request correction thereof. If no correction is made, the request for correction shall be noted in the written record.

  Article 19 After the hearing, the chairperson of the hearing shall make a Report of the Administrative License according to the transcripts of the hearing, and send it together with the transcripts to the director of the administrative organ within 5 days.

  The administrative organ shall make a decision on the administrative license according to the transcripts of the hearing.

  Article 20 Under any of the following circumstances, the public hearing shall be postponed:

  (1)The hearing is unable to be implemented due to force majeure;

  (2) The applicant of the administrative license or the interested party applies for a phased extension with valid reasons;

  (3)Other circumstances for the postponement of the hearing.

  If the hearing is postponed, the administrative organ that organizes the hearing shall inform the participants of the hearing. Where the reason for the postponement of the hearing ceases to exist, the administrative organ that organizes the hearing shall resume the hearing within 3 days and inform the participants of the hearing.

  Article 21 Under any of the following circumstances, the hearing shall be suspended:

  (1) There appear new facts, reasons and evidence during the hearing which the chairperson considers should be verified;

  (2) The requirement of the withdrawal of a hearing officer is made after the hearing has started;

  (3) Other circumstances for the suspension of the hearing.

  Where the reason for the suspension of the hearing ceases to exist, the administrative organ that organizes the hearing shall resume the hearing within 3 days and inform the participants of the hearing.

  Article 22 Under any of the following circumstances, the hearing shall be terminated:

  (1) The applicant of the administrative license or the interested party has withdrawn the application;

  (2) The applicant of the administrative license or the interested party fails to be present at the hearing without valid reasons or withdraws from the hearing without the permission of the chairperson of the hearing.

  (3) Other circumstances for the termination of the hearing

  Article 23 For the administrative license matters listed in Item 3 of Article 3 of these measures,the applicant of the administrative license or the interested party failing to file the application of hearing within the prescribed period shall be considered to disclaim the hearing right. The administrative organ shall make a written record,and make a decision on the administrative license in accordance with the law upon comprehensive, objective and fair examination.

  Article 24 Where an administrative organ and any of its functionaries violates any of the provisions of these measures or the Administrative License Law of The People's Republic of China under any of the following circumstances, the order of correction shall be given by the superior administrative organ or the supervisory organ; if the violations are serious, the direct liable persons in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given the administrative punishment in accordance with law:

  (1) Failing to inform the applicants of the administrative license or the interested parties of the hearing rights and obligations;

  (2) Failing to hold a hearing as required by the law;

  (3) Failing to perform its hearing functions or failing to fulfill the hearing obligations in this aspect;

  (4) Failing to make the administrative license decision on the basis of the transcripts of the hearing.

  Article 25 If the applicants of the administrative license, the interested parties or any other person disrupt the hearing order or contravenes the proper conduct of the hearing, the chairperson shall be entitled to stop the behavior or order them to leave. If the violation is serious, the public security office shall, according to the relevant provisions of the public order management regulations, impose a penalty. If such actions constitute a crime, criminal penalty shall be imposed.

  Article 26 The applicants of the administrative license and interested parties shall not pay for the expenses arising from the administrative organ's organization of the hearing. The essential fund for the administrative organ to implement an administrative license shall be listed in the budget of this administrative organ, which shall be ensured by the finance department of the same level.

  Article 27 he time limit referred to in these measures shall be calculated according to the working days, not including the legal holidays and leaves.

  Where an administrative organ needs to organize a hearing, the required time shall not be included in the time limit of implementation of the Administrative License. The time limit of implementation of the Administrative License should be calculated from the day after the date of termination of the hearing procedures.

  Article 28 These measures shall become effective as of July 1, 2007.
